Agora S.A. - Polish media company

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Summary of Agora Group's ESG activities in 2023


Summary of Agora Group's ESG activities in 2023


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Kurs akcji [PLN]

9,47 zł





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Czerska 8/10 Street
00-732 Warszawa

AGO -1,35%
mWIG40 0%

Regon: 11559486
Numer KRS: 59944
NIP: 526-030-56-44


December 18, 2017 / 12:25

Agora makes its debut in the prestigious RESPECT Index

Agora makes its debut in the prestigious RESPECT Index
Agora S.A. joined the elite group of companies included in the RESPECT Index portfolio as presented by the Warsaw Stock Exchange on December 14th 2017. The index comprises companies assessed as managed in a responsible and sustainable manner, attractive for investors, with high reporting quality, level of investor relations and corporate governance. The companies listed on the RESPECT Index are also outstanding for their high level and complexity ofactivities taken and addressed at their stakeholders, that are a manifestation of widely understood Social Corporate Responsibility (CSR).

- It is an honor for us that Agora was distinguished for its approach to environmental, social, ethical and corporate governance issues and joined the elite portfolio of 28 responsible companies listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange - said Bartosz Hojka, the president of Agora SA. - We hope that Agora's presence in the RESPECT Index will also be a valid point of reference for all investors who appreciate the value of responsible companies.

Agora's responsibility is based on such pillars as: transparency, good relations with partners and the company's environment, diversity among employees and high quality of products and services. Agora and its subsidiaries from the capital group initiate and engage in a number of educational, social and cultural projects, as well as sustainable development projects, which have been presented, among others, in the company's " Non-Financial Statement for 2016", ie. the social report of the Agora Group. 19 selected projects undertaken in 2016 were also described in the "Responsible Business in Poland. Good Practices" by Responsible Business Forum Poland. Agora is also in a distinguished group of companies that meet all the rules of the "Best Practice of GPW Listed Companies 2016", which proves the high level of corporate governance and investor relations.

In the 11th edition the RESPECT Index portfolio covers 28 participating stocks, including 3 new companies and will be published as of December 18th 2017.

The RESPECT Index is the first index of responsible companies created in Central and Eastern Europe. The project was initiated by the Warsaw Stock Exchange in 2009 when the first portfolio was published. The RESPECT Index covers both Polish and foreign companies listed on the WSE Main Market. The RESPECT Index results show that the companies included in this portfolio are characterized by a higher rate of return than the market average expressed in the WIG index. From November 2009 to December 2017, during the 8 years of the index's existence, it increased its value by 85%. At that time, the WIG main market index increased by 59%, and the WIG20 gained 3.5%.

The RESPECT Index project is targeted at companies listed at the WSE Main Market - those with highest trading liquidity, included in the following indices: WIG20, mWIG40 and sWIG80. After completion of three phase validation process carried by Warsaw Stock Exchange and The Polish Association of Listed Companies, the new composition of index is created, comprising companies conducting impeccable communication with the market through current and periodic reports and their corporate websites. The third condition is socially responsible behavior towards the environment, community and employees, which is analyzed on the basis of a questionnaire verified by the project auditor Deloitte.

According to the current formula, the verification of companies and the revision of the index composition is carried out once a year, in its second half. Blocks of shares in the index are determined on the same basis as in the case of other stock market indices.

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